Baked Salmon 2.0

Salmon Patties Served with
Home Grown Prize Head Lettuce

There is nothing better than fresh spring salmon from the Pacific Northwest. There are many ways to enjoy this spring delicacy.  Yesterday's baked fish become today's salmon patties. The dried or fresh herbs bring out the savory flavor of the salmon. It turns your leftover into another delicious meal...

The recipe is as follow:
1 C. baked salmon, break into small pieces,
1/2 C. finely chopped onion,
1 T. dried herbs (basil, parsley and oregano) or 3 T. fresh chopped herbs,
Baked Salmon
1 large egg,
1 T. Dijon mustard,
2 slices of bread, crumbled,
1/4 C. mayo, 2 T. vegetable oil, garlic salt and pepper to taste.
Mix the above ingredients together, stir until well blended. Shape into patties. Coat each patty with Panco bread crumbs and pan fry until golden brown.
(Prize Head Lettuce is an early maturing lettuce with red ruffles, it is delicious and beautiful)

Fresh Caught Spring Chnook Salmon

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