Now that the gardening season is coming to an end, gardens are looking a little spent. Nonetheless, I can still find enough beets,leeks, Swiss chard, carrots, kohlrabi and not to mention lush parsley in the garden. I planted giant radishes at the end of August, Radiant Giant and Red Cloak daikon radishes, they are the size of softballs now.These add tremendous flavors to our winter table.
Today I harvested some Radiant Giant Radish, Red Cloak Radish and Kohlrabi. The vegetables is juicy and sweet. I made an orange dressing to go with the salad. It was delicious! The radishes were planted in late August, after clearing out the bush beans I planted in the spring. Now they are about 5" across. I would try to plant them earlier next season, so they will be larger by now. The kohlrabi were planted in the spring. I will make an orange dressing to go with the salad. If you haven't planted a fall garden before, I hope this is enough of a reason for you to start doing so...
I can feel the crunch of root veggies,, yummmmmm. Glad I found your foodie blog. I am debating how to do my blog(s). a couple of my endevors overlap as your skills seem too as well... Hort Business,gardening,cooking.. wish me luck!
Have you set up a Face Book account yet? It's so much fun. I post a lot of my garden activities there and love getting the feedbacks from everyone. It's fun and a great place to share and learn :)
And, Good luck on your venture!
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